$ 16.50
The Chakras are the seven energy centers of the human body. They enhance our physical, mental and spiritual well being. Accessing these energy centers can promote healing and spiritual...
$ 1.25
Also known as Larkavite, Mystery Stone, Black Moonstone, Blue Pearl Moonstone. Larvikite is a fantastic stone for grounding and for self-exploration. Working with Larvikite helps you work with the grounding...
$ 12.95
Use these unique astrological crystal talismans for self-improvement and growth. The pouch contains four crystals attuned to the Leo astrological sign: two for amplifying your virtues and two for rectifying...
$ 12.95
Use these unique astrological crystal talismans for self-improvement and growth. The pouch contains four crystals attuned to the Libra astrological sign: two for amplifying your virtues and two for rectifying...
$ 0.75
Sticky Stones are actually magnetic Hematine which is a synthetic form of Hematite. They are powerful magnets that you can't stop playing with! These irregular shaped pieces will vary in...
$ 7.25
Malachite personifies the deep healing green of nature and represents the innate beauty of flowers, trees, roots and plants. It manifests a deep Devic green which rules the material plane. ...
$ 1.75
Maraba Amethyst – Known for enhancing spiritual wisdom and insight, this amethyst is also associated with the clarification of dreams. Has the ability to attract spiritual energies and provides peace of mind by...
$ 1.60
Heal Emotions Natural Cat's Eye imparts generosity, good luck, prosperity, optimism, serenity, and happiness. It aids in healing emotional issues by bringing balance to the emotions, bolstering forgiveness and increasing...
$ 11.25
Bring the color of the sun, spring colored daffodils or the energy of the 3rd chakra to your next grid layout. Brightly colored laminated card. Purchase all seven chakra colors...
$ 11.25
Use this board when balancing spiritual issues related to the 7th chakra or just because you like the color purple! Brightly colored laminated card. Purchase all seven chakra colors to...
$ 12.00
River Stone Rocks with inspirational words and phrases
$ 1.00
Element Meaning: Rose quartz is the love stone. It opens the heart, increases self acceptance and the ability to love others. It soothes heartaches and brings peace, compassion and kindness....
$ 2.25
It is a stone that clears blockages from your Chakras and allows them to thrive in a healthy environment. Peacock ore will repattern your auric field bringing the truest colors and most...
$ 12.95
Use these unique astrological crystal talismans for self-improvement and growth. The pouch contains four crystals attuned to the Sagittarius astrological sign: two for amplifying your virtues and two for rectifying...
$ 12.95
Use these unique astrological crystal talismans for self-improvement and growth. The pouch contains four crystals attuned to the Scorpio astrological sign: two for amplifying your virtues and two for rectifying...
$ 1.00
Element Meaning: Smokey Quartz helps to live in the present moment. Good for organizational skills, it clears up miscommunications, opens up the paths of perception. Can assist in overcoming grief...
$ 1.00
Sodalite is a stone of the intellect. It is used to enhance clarity of thought, concentration, and focus. It enhances understanding of diffucult concepts. Sodalite resonates with blue crystal energy...
$ 19.50
Element Meaning: Helps with concentration, and increases awareness, inspiration, and creativity. Purifies the spiritual, mental, and physical planes. Can also bring an aura of protection. Known as the master healer, it...
$ 19.50
Element Meaning: Heightens intuition. Fluorite can help maintain an unbiased impartiality when making decisions by reducing one�s emotional involvement in a situation.� Encourages us to peacefully see both sides of any...
$ 19.50
Element Meaning: The "love stone" opens the heart, increases self acceptance and the ability to love others. It soothes heartaches and brings peace, compassion and kindness. It relieves childhood trauma and...
$ 3.00
The energy of Stromatolite helps one to understand the purpose of life’s lessons and to see them as aids to one’s personal growth. It helps one to accept others for...
$ 1.35
DescriptioN- Our Gold Plated wire cage is the perfect place to hold your favorite stones and crystals. All you need to do is pop a stone through the rings. Change...
$ 2.25
OVERVIEW Picture Epidote wasn't identified as a separate mineral until the beginning of the nineteenth century by the French crystallographer Rene-Just Haüy. Before that, it was always considered to be...
$ 2.85
Nephrite generally occurs in creamy white, mid- to deep olive green, brown and black. It has a smooth surface polish with a waxy sheen and is more commonly found. Jadeite...
$ 4.45
Mangano calcite helps you put your attention on your heart, strengthening it and supporting its proper function. This stone can be used with the intention to make your blood flow...
$ 1.00
For lasting love, Unakite is traditionally sprinkled with dried yarrow and placed in a sealed bag as a marriage or commitment symbol. It should be replaced on anniversaries and the...
$ 12.95
Use these unique astrological crystal talismans for self-improvement and growth. The pouch contains four crystals attuned to the Virgo astrological sign: two for amplifying your virtues and two for rectifying...
$ 6.25 $ 6.25
: The world is full of sorrows and joys. One cannot exist without the other. The weeping yogi is there to grieve for the sorrows so that we are left...
$ 11.25
Bring the color of the sun, spring colored daffodils or the energy of the 3rd chakra to your next grid layout. Brightly colored laminated card. Purchase all seven chakra colors...